Monday, December 6, 2010

Unpaid Child Support and Loans Can Often Be Collected on When Using an Asset Search

As if it were not already a big enough problem, the problems that most every state is suffering because of problems in the economy has caused a tremendous increase in the number of cases requiring an asset search to collect on unpaid child support, unpaid loans and bad debts. There has also been an increase in the number of cases involving divorce litigation and the need to search for hidden funds or bank accounts. However, these are situations that can often be collected on when you consult with an expert private investigator to perform an asset search investigation.

It is a known fact that there are a countless number of individuals in our society that are continuously trying to get away with hiding various types of assets that they own, simply to keep from having to pay on the balance of unpaid money that they owe.

Aside from various other types of debts, unpaid child support and unpaid loans can often be collected on when individuals choose the option of having an asset search investigation performed. Some people are often surprised when they realize the wide variety of assets that can often be uncovered using this type of investigation. All that you are required to do is to supply an expert private investigator with the social security number, the name, address, and telephone number of the individual suspected to assets that they are hiding. Following the completion of the investigation, you will be supplied with detailed information regarding the following types of hidden assets.

Business that are in the name of the individual in question
Real Estate Properties
Automobiles, Motor Homes, Trucks, etc.
Trust Accounts
Airplanes and boats in the individual's name
Bank Accounts that include Savings and Checking Accounts
Investments that include Bonds, Mutual Funds and Stocks

If an individual continues to refuse paying you the money that they owe for a loan, child support for your children, or if you need evidence to supply in a court proceeding involving divorce litigation, contacting an experienced private investigator is the first step you will want to take. Unpaid child support, debts and unpaid loans can, in many cases, be collected when you use the information obtained from an asset search investigation.

Numerous individuals that have money owed to them often use this legal GLB compliant type of beneficial investigation to help them locate any hidden assets that an individual is trying to keep hidden.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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go to to check out the real video with many stars(BABY SAVAGE A DECADE OF DOPE DECEPTION AND DESTRUCTION) It tells the true story of me (BABY SAVAGE) Originally from Baton Rouge Louisiana I moved to Mansfield La. at the age of 14 and began selling drugs in a area known as the hood. Where i was intiated in a local gang following that close friend taught me about crack cocaine and i jumped off the porch and made over 2000 dollars in less than a week. Years later down the line i became one of the biggest drug dealers around making over 150000 dollars a year until long time friend now turned confidential informant started working for the task force and helped them bring me down in a 18 month investigation and prosecution that ultimately lead to my downfall and incarceration in prison. While in prison i was shipped to several different facilities, because of my aggressive nature, and accusations that i was running drugs from inside of prison. After being in solitude for 7 months for bad behavior i was shipped to a maximum security prison. It was here where i educated myself further in business,speech,accounting,finances,and the bible, and renewed my mind in order to do the same to my life upon re-entering society to become a asset to myself and the world. Applying the same Barbaric Savagery hustle as i did in the streets to the film and music industry has lead me to approaching sells of 26000 dvds of Baby Savage A Decade of Dope Deception and ...

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Monday, November 15, 2010

New Mexico Child Support

Child support payments occur only when parents are not living with each other. New Mexico Child support is regulated by the state and federal agencies across America. Each state in America has programs to help custodial and non-custodial parents pay, process, and collect past due, child support payments

New Mexico child support programs are administered through the child support enforcement department. As a custodial or non-custodial parent, it is important that you learn more information about the process of collecting and receiving New Mexico child support payments.

When a custodial parent wants to collect child support payments, they must first establish paternity of the child. When establishing paternity, the court orders will go out for the father to pay child support.

Once the father or mother is placed on child support and they refuse to pay, the New Mexico Child Support Enforcement Office will provide assistance in collecting payments. The New Mexico Child Support Enforcement Office has several methods in providing assistance in collecting child support payments. The well known method used to collecting child support payments is income withholding, where the child support payments are automatically withdrawn from the non-custodial parent's paycheck. This method is used because it is considered the easiest and most convenient method for both parents.

Other methods are used such as having the non-custodial parent's tax refund intercepted, driver's or professional license revoked, and passport denial. There can even be liens placed on properties or bank accounts if the non-custodial parents refuses to pay child support.

Click for more info on New Mexico Child Support


Visit the Child Support Laws Home Page

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Know the Consumer Protection Regulations

A department of the Federal Trade Commission is the Bureau of Consumer Protection, and its "mandate is to protect consumers against unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices." There are six division of the Bureau of Consumer Protection as follows:

Division of Advertising Practices: Consumers are protected from deceptive or unsubstantiated advertising. The focus is on advertising of the following products: tobacco and alcohol, food and over-the-counter drugs, energy-related products, environmental products, and infomercials.

Division of Enforcement: Consumers are protected by enforcing compliance with court orders in consumer protection cases, investigating and prosecuting civil actions to stop fraudulent, unfair, or deceptive marketing and advertising practices, and enforcing consumer protection laws.

The Division of Financial Practices: Many consumer credit statutes are enforced including the Consumer Leasing Act, the Credit Practices Rule, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the Fair Credit Billing Act. The text of these laws can be found on the Federal Trade Commission's website

The Division of Marketing Practices: Enforces federal consumer protection laws by filing legal actions to stop scams and help victims of scams

The Division of Planning and Information: Measures the impact of FTC activities to protect consumers, including the Identity Theft Program.

The Office of Consumer and Business Education: Establishes public education programs for consumers and industry about fraud, deception, and unfair practices using print, broadcast, and electronic media.

It would be prudent for you or your attorney to visit the FTC's website, read the regulations, and set up systems to be sure you are in and stay in compliance. If the FTC determines that you are violating any of its regulations, it has the authority to seize your assets pending investigation. If the FTC gets a court judgment against you, the fines are significant and the FTC could shut down your business.

About the author

Jo Ann Joy is the CEO and owner of Indigo Business Solutions, a legal and business consulting firm. Indigo Business Solutions is a “one stop shop” for small businesses. We differ from other business consulting firms, because we offer comprehensive legal and business counseling. We can offer most of the professional services that a business requires. We work with our clients to develop strategies that create value and competitive advantage. Our goal is your success.

Jo Ann has a law degree, an MBA, and a degree in Economics, but she is not a traditional attorney. Rather, she is a strategic business attorney who works closely with clients to create and implement strategies that will greatly improve their performance and chance of success. Her background includes commercial and real estate law, accounting, financial planning, mortgages, marketing, product development, banking, and business strategies. She ran a successful business for 10 years, and she has written and given presentations on many different legal and business subjects.

Jo Ann Joy, Esq., MBA, CEO Copyright 2006 Indigo Business Solutions. All rights reserved.

You may contact Jo Ann by phone at (602) 663-7007, by fax at (602) 324-7582, by email at joannjoy@Indigo Business, and by mail at 2313 East Ocotillo Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016

For more information about these and other important business topics and for legal consultation, please visit our website at

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Treadgolds Centre - Ground Investigations Begin

The ground investigation is in action, Lewis explain why they are so necessary to determine the condition of the foundations of the building. You can comment on this video at the Building Community site. This video was filmed by Learning Links for Building Community.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bank Secrecy Acts and Confidentiality Ordinances

The first Bank Secrecy Act in the Caribbean was adopted in the Bahamas in 1964. Until then, Switzerland had always been the “renowned banking haven” – known throughout the world for its “private banking”. The Cayman Islands government soon followed the Bahamas Bank Secrecy Act, with almost identical legislation a year later. The growth of the Cayman Islands into the top offshore banking center was spurred on originally by their Secrecy Act.

Today, all the tax havens have Secrecy or Confidentiality Ordinances. One exception is Bermuda, which never officially adopted a secrecy act – as Bermuda’s “common law” and isolated “jurisdiction” had always served it well.

As it turned out, the Secrecy/Confidentiality Acts and Ordinances were a boost to offshore businesses for the Caribbean and Pacific tax havens, and for the most part, they still are.

While the original idea of Banking Secrecy was a good one for the offshore havens, it was not (and never will) well received by the US Treasury Department and their enforcement agency – the IRS.

While no one would argue that these countries have every right to adopt and promote their bank secrecy, it has caused problems, including attracting a criminal element; drug money laundering issues, and tax evasion issues for citizens from Industrial nations like the US, UK, Canada and Australia.

Bank Secrecy alone has worked well for the end users for over forty years, but under US law (and the laws of other industrialized nations – Japan, UK, Canada, Australia) it is income tax evasion (a felony) just having an offshore bank account and not reporting the income on one’s tax return. In the U.S., the mere existence of the bank and security accounts are reportable on a Form TD 90-22.1.
Few Americans want to report.

But Secrecy and Confidentiality Ordinances offer protection against creditors and “others”; and where taxes alone are not the issue, bank secrecy along with “jurisdiction” add up to “asset protection’, privacy and more.

Privacy: One author writes: “People can't find your offshore assets.” The Bank Secrecy Acts in the Bahamas (Cayman, Anguilla and the BVI) are said to impenetrable.

Exception: All these countries have Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties with the United States and other nations which allow for cooperation in criminal matters (i.e., other than tax issues).

A crime such as embezzlement of assets from the coffers of a US company to “hidden bank accounts” offshore is going to end up in conviction and sentencing – most of the time.

The MLATs are applicable on the “Federal level” through the US Attorney’s office (i.e., located in Miami, Atlanta, New York, L.A.). However, there is no “cooperation” available to private investigations under the MLAT –except through the use of local (Bahamian, Anguillian, Cayman) attorneys and the local courts of those countries. When such “investigations are pursued, they are often expensive and futile – as the tax havens have a reputation to protect, and here again – bank secrecy becomes an issue even in the courts.

U.S. Judgments are not recognized offshore: “The Supreme Court of the Bahamas does not recognize U.S. court judgments against a company incorporated in their jurisdiction.” The same can be said for the other Caribbean havens – including Cayman, the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Nevis and St. Kitts.
Federal Courts have no jurisdiction: “U.S. Federal Court judges have no power or authority outside the U.S. borders. IRS liens are not recognized offshore. Seizure Warrants from the U.S. Customs service are not recognized offshore.” – basically, the author of this statement is correct.

Another interesting protection you’ll find offshore is American and foreign lawyers cannot practice law in these places. For example, here in the Bahamas you have to be a citizen of the Bahamas to become an attorney and practice in the Bahamian courts. Even the largest American law firm would need to hire a Bahamian law firm to pursue its litigation or claims

Notwithstanding all of the above, there is no “integration” between US tax law and the law of any foreign nation – excepting where there is an “income tax treaty”.

Yet, the US Treasury Department has had a sympathetic “ear’ and attitude to the offshore financial community’s well being; but this too, has varied from “threats” to “bullying”, to acceptance of their rights to exist and impose no taxes.

Use of tax havens by citizens from any industrial nation will always have its risks and rewards. Knowing your home country’s tax laws is fundamental. An offshore firm or bank – no matter how large and reputable – simply isn’t interested in your tax liability or problem.

The irony in all this is that the US Tax Code and the Canadian tax code and the UK tax code have tax provisions that are favorable to business. Not all outgoing or incoming transactions are “outlawed” or illegal.

With a tax code that is 55,000 pages long, the US law regarding the use of tax havens and offshore bank accounts is certainly discouraged.

Yet, read the US Tax Code long enough and you will find some “green lights and loopholes”. For example owning offshore real estate via an offshore company and trust can/might “shelter” rental income and capital gains from US taxation, if you “structure” your affairs and know the US Tax Code (especially the CFC legislation and revocable domestic US trust legislation – section 661 to sections 679.

See especially “Power to Revoke”.
There’s a Foreign Earned Income Exclusion of $80,000 you can exclude as salary, and the US payer of your salary can still get the deduction for its income tax return, if you know the law.
But, generally, most avenues that Americans, Canadians and UK citizenry pursue is wishful thinking, so be careful.

• $1.2 trillion dollars on deposit in Cayman Banks - up 10% in 2005 says Cayman Government?

• Sixty percent of these monies comes from US investors says Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau.

• Did you know there are two online stock broker firms located in a no tax haven (offshore) - and both are 100% owned by the Bank of New York?

• Did you know that non-resident aliens (including foreign companies) can trade "publicly traded stocks" (i.e., NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX) under the tax code and not owe capital gains tax?

• "One of the most effective applications of offshore trusts is in an ownership combination with a limited company." - Richard Graham-Taylor, partner Ernst & Young, Grand Cayman (January 1990).

• 2005 revenues for Ernst & Young worldwide were $19 billion.

• The Old Moneyed Dupont Nemours and Roosevelt Families Buy a Tax Haven

• []

Disclaimer: Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service guidance, be advised that any federal tax advice in this communication, including any attachments or enclosures, was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, by any person or entity for the purpose of avoiding penalties imposed under the Internal Revenue Code.

Since 1990 I've formed a total of over 1,300 International Business Companies here in Nassau and in the no tax jurisdiction of Anguilla (a UK "Overseas Territory like Cayman and BVI) - 1,100 miles SE of Miami. 100 miles from San Juan and USVI.

Based in the tax free haven of the Bahamas, I have over 20 years experience reading and writing about tax havens and financial center.

Thomas Azzara

New Providence Estate Planners, Ltd.


54 Sandyport Drive

P.O. Box CB 11552

Nassau, Bahamas

Fax/phone: (242) 327-7359 E-mail:

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Learn About the Services Available at Net Detective

Net Detective is a nationwide search service that will provide records like public records, criminal background records; name and address search using social security number, tenant and landlord financial records and background searches, DUI, sex offense history, Driving violation records and even family past history details in just minutes.

DUI /DWI Records

Many people hire private investigators to know about the public background information. Even though this is a good option, it may consume more time, energy and even be little expensive as it is done manually. But if you want to know about the driver's history like DUI /DWI records, then it is better to seek help from the online search service like Net Detective. Because you cannot go to the local police offices or tax offices to check for the insurance crimes of the person or your driver. Instead if you access this online service, it will instantly track whether someone has convicted of driving or not.

What Net Detective will provide

This comprehensive search service will offer the following search results like, spouse/ roommates background check; civil actions and civil filings; criminal record searches; property ownership search; family history searches; neighborhood statistics; address history details; phone number searches; felonies and misdemeanors; convictions and incarcerations; DUI /DWI records and even tenant's and employer's financial status history.

Cost Effective Solution

If you seek a private investigator for finding out the background information, e can work efficiently because he will have contacts with local police offices, government tax agencies, and can collect both public and private records and can deliver you. But it might take days and even month to get the result and also you need to spend more money to hire him.

Instead if you access online services, it will track the information whatever you want in minutes from the comfort of your home. The service charge is also very low. All you need is just your personal computer and an internet access, you can collect unlimited, multiple information within few minutes.

  • Find out in depth information about someones convictions.
  • Keep yourself and others safe from attack.
  • Avoid putting yourself in a bad situation.
  • Confirm someones address, telephone number and email address.
  • Stay in control and do a Background Check using the investigation tools provided by Detective Dashboard.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

US Taxpayers and the IRS Qualified Intermediary Program

The IRS Qualified Intermediary Program has heightened scrutiny as a result of the federal investigation into the Swiss Bank, UBS (the world's largest private bank). U.S. Prosecutors allege UBS deliberately abused the Qualified Intermediary Program ("QI Program"), selling offshore banking services to U.S. Taxpayers to evade taxes.

U.S. Prosecutors allege UBS helped American clients hide as much as $20B in assets offshore, evading at least $300M in taxes. Using offshore accounts is not illegal for U.S. Taxpayers, but hiding income in undeclared accounts is illegal. Foreign banks who violate the Qualified Intermediary Program rules may be denied access to the entire American Banking System.
In 2001, the IRS established a Qualified Intermediary Program (QI Program) to attract foreign investors to U.S. securities (more than 7000 foreign banks participate in the program). Until October 13, 2008, the IRS allowed the banks to promise to identify clients, withhold any taxes due on U.S. securities in their account (typically 30%) and send the tax money owed to the IRS.
As of October 13, 2008, the IRS Announcement 2008-98 has proposed new rules to stop rampant tax evasion (i.e., American investors hide behind offshore shell companies and trusts set up by the bank). Under the new rules, foreign banks in the QI Program must now actually investigate, determine and report to the IRS whether U.S. investors (or their legal entities) are the holders of the foreign accounts they open (U.S. Taxpayers are required by law to report offshore accounts on the annual IRS Form 1040 Tax Return).
According to the IRS, foreign banks in the QI Program hold more than $35 billion abroad in accounts for U.S. individual investors, partnerships, trusts, family foundations and corporations, but withheld taxes of only 5% on that amount in 2003.
The proposed new rules will go into effect in 2010. Under the new QI Program rules: Participating banks must alert the IRS to any potential fraud they detect, whether through their own internal controls, complaints from employees or investigations by regulators.
The IRS will audit small samples of individual bank accounts in the program (on a "no-names basis"), to determine whether U.S. investors have control over foreign entities (set up by the banks).
Participating banks must hire external auditors to monitor their compliance. The auditors must identify the bank employees responsible for preventing tax abuses. The external auditor will be required to report "red flags" to the IRS. Banks using foreign-based external auditors (including foreign branches of U.S. auditors) will have to work with an American auditor, who will accept joint responsibility for the audit.
As stated by Douglas Shulman, IRS Commissioner, "This is an important program, and we cannot tolerate anyone abusing or skirting the requirements." U.S. Taxpayers who do not disclose offshore accounts, do not report income, and do not pay their tax may commit perjury (on filing a false tax return) and may be subject to 3 felonies and a misdemeanor - up to 14 years in jail.
In addition, U.S. Taxpayers who do not disclose foreign bank accounts (with over $10,000) by filing Form TDF-90.22.1 (Report to Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts) are subject to a felony (up to 5 years in jail) and subject to a civil penalty of $100,000, or 50% of accounts (whichever is greater).
U.S. Taxpayers may be subject to jeopardy assessments (i.e., IRS pre-audit seizure of assets). The IRS is aggressively pursuing U.S. Taxpayers and encouraging voluntary disclosures. Under Olenicoff, the Taxpayer plead guilty to a felony, paid civil tax fraud penalty and is an ongoing material witness.

Gary S. Wolfe, Esq. International Tax Practice offers the following legal expertise: IRS Tax Audits, International Asset Protection & International Litigation. Please see for more info.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bank of America - The World's Largest Financial Institution

Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, online banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk-management products and services. They are a joint of the Global ATM Alliance, a attachment venture of several major international banks that allows customers of the banks to use their ATM card or check card at another bank within the Global ATM Alliance with no fees when traveling internationally.

This bank now processes more transactions online than it does through all of its physical banking centers. However, when a bank tells its customers that its online banking system is safe and secure, most people would be shocked to find out otherwise. Bank of America the leader in online banking rolled out its Mobile Banking service to consumers nationwide in May. The service enables more than 20 million online banking customers to bank directly from their cell phone or smart phone with built-in security features.

The company offers securities underwriting and other investment banking services to corporations. Bank of America has recently spent $675 million building its US investment banking business and is looking to become one of the top five investment banks worldwide. They operates more than 5,700 branch locations from which the company offers investment, banking, and loan services to consumers and businesses. Bank of America, itself a product of several big deals to create a retail bank that stretched from coast to coast, has long desired to be an investment banking power.

Customers looking for the nearest Bank of America ATM or banking center through the new service are served with Microsoft Map Point technology. Customers can seamlessly use Map Point from their phone to find the most convenient bank location around town. Consider One of the world's leading financial services companies, Bank of America is committed to making banking work for customers like it never has before.

Bank of America is a coast-to-coast dominant bank with a powerful and complete consumer franchise. This financial institution is in business is to help make communities stronger and to help people achieve their dreams. They are committed to taking a leadership role in helping to make economic development and environmental protection compatible. They are a leading global provider of integrated working capital management and treasury solutions to business and corporate clients of all sizes, financial institutions and governments worldwide.

Willie DeJarnette does a lot of research on banking online. He can be reached for more information at his website: Citizens Automobile Finance

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Be a Financial Detective With Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting involves looking beyond the numbers and grasping the substance of situations. It's more than accounting, which resemble more of detective work.

Forensic accountants are financial detectives who audit, investigate and ascertain the accuracy of financial reporting documents, often in connection with anticipated or ongoing legal action. They are responsible to analyze and highlight any curiosity or issues on these financial data, chiefly for the purpose of investigating white-collar crimes. They work closely with businesses, nonprofit organizations (including government and law-enforcement agencies), estates, individuals and others who require forensic-accounting services.

The forensic accountant may provide assistance in areas such as:

o Investigating and analyzing financial evidence;
o Quantifying damages related to income and other losses;
o Fraud investigations of real estate transactions, mortgage lending, and business and asset issues in divorce;
o Providing assistance to counsel in the analysis of financial records in connection with a partnership dispute;
o Calculating economic damages related to wrongful death;
o Assisting counsel with financial investigation in connection with loss of collateral; and
o Assisting counsel and shareholders in connection with misrepresentations affecting business valuations.

Forensic audits need to be carried out frequently so as to make sure consistent investigations are carried out without fail. Here are some examples of projects that may rely on forensic acconting and finance expertise at the same time,

1. Insurance fraud -
a. Insurance agent has a lot of access to personal information of his customers. A common fraud scheme found is agent faking the application for his customer to withdraw a lumpsum loan or some amount of insurance claim on the insurance policy.
b. People falsify claims to insurance companies for compensation.

2. Construction audits -
a. This is to ensure the construction company adhere to the quality of the materials they have committed for the constuctions per the written contract.
b. So as to protect those whom has borrowed the housing loans from. The last amount of the banking loan for any construction should only be released to the developer/constructor company if the constructor is at least 90% completion.

3. Royalty audits - forensic accountant to help settle the dispute where in some cases, a worker, usually a performer, or an artist is owed royalties for the showing or airing of his work.

4. Matrimonial disputes - Divorce settlements often brought in the skill of a forensic accountant to assure both parties get fair settlement, s far as property, and child custody are concerned.

5. Bankruptcy audits - Investigate cases of bankruptcy, review and present fair conclusion and judgement if the bankruptcy declare is exact and genuine.

For more information about forensic accounting career and benefits of forensic accounting, visit

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Cheyenne Private Investigator

Beacon Investigative Solutions is a private investigation firm serving Cheyenne, Wyoming, that consists of many former FBI Special Agents. Beacon specializes in asset search and discovery, missing persons, and general background investigations as part of its Cheyenne private investigations practice.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ladera Ranch, Ca: Private Investigators Computer Forensics Data Recovery (888)300-6991

TheSpartan Associates, Inc. 695 Town Center Drive Suite 700 Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (888)300-6991 The Spartan Associates, Inc. is a full service investigation firm representing individuals as well as professional and business organizations from many different fields. These include private individuals, large industrial and construction equipment manufacturers, professional sporting teams, insurance companies, and government agencies. The Spartan Associates combine over 100 years of professional experience within the private investigation, law enforcement, and information security fields. Services Offered: •Private Investigation •Computer & Data Forensics •IT Security •Consumer Fraud Investigation •Workplace Harassment •Surveillance •Expert Witness •Asset Recovery/Repossession •Legal Services •Litigation Support •Corporate Investigations & Services •Insurance Investigations •Family Services •Security Consulting •Pre-Employment Screening •Background Research •Witness Locates & Interviews •Skip Tracing/Missing Persons From your home computer to a multi-continent investigation, we have the experience, resources, and ability to handle any size project. In the event you require a service that you find is not listed on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us for a confidential consultation. Each of our cases is handled with the strictest of confidentiality, from consultation to conclusion and beyond. Cases involving high profile personalities ...

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Friday, July 2, 2010

An Asset Search Investigation Can Recover Unpaid Child Support From Deadbeat Parents

If we lived in a perfect world everyone would always pay all of the bills that they owe, and this would of course include the countless number of parents that have been ordered to pay child support. Actually, in a perfect world none of us would have any bills at all to pay. But, as we all know, we certainly do not live in a world that is even remotely close to being perfect. Unfortunately, this means that there are numerous people that do not pay their bills, and sadly, there are more and more deadbeat parents that absolutely refuse to pay for the child support that they owe, even if they have been ordered to pay it in a court of law. Thankfully with services available such as an asset search investigation, innocent parents that have been fighting for what is owed to them can often successfully recover unpaid child support from deadbeat parents.

You would think that individuals would gladly pay child support they owe once a judgment has been ordered. In some cases this does work, but for many innocent parents this is simply not what ends up happening. However, the last thing in the world these parents need to do is to give up. Although it may seem that there is nothing left that they can do to obtain unpaid child support, in many cases individuals are successfully able to recover unpaid child support from a deadbeat parent when they consult with a private investigator that knows how to perform an asset search investigation. Often times when it comes to this point people are tired of having to devote a lot of their time just to come up empty handed. With a hidden asset search, you do not have to sacrifice a lot of your time. Simply supply the expert with the social security number, the telephone number, address, and name of the deadbeat parent.

In many cases when unpaid child support is trying to be obtained through this type of investigation, the innocent parent that has been unsuccessful using other methods is often surprised at just how much information can be obtained. Real estate, trust accounts, investments like bonds, stocks, and mutual funds, vehicles, boats, airplanes, businesses, and several other types of assets the deadbeat parent has in their name can be found through an asset search investigation, which gives individuals the power they need to recover unpaid child support that has already been ordered through a court's judgment.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Laguna Niguel, Ca: Private Investigators Computer Forensics Data Recovery (888)300-6991

TheSpartan Associates, Inc. 695 Town Center Drive Suite 700 Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (888)300-6991 The Spartan Associates, Inc. is a full service investigation firm representing individuals as well as professional and business organizations from many different fields. These include private individuals, large industrial and construction equipment manufacturers, professional sporting teams, insurance companies, and government agencies. The Spartan Associates combine over 100 years of professional experience within the private investigation, law enforcement, and information security fields. Services Offered: •Private Investigation •Computer & Data Forensics •IT Security •Consumer Fraud Investigation •Workplace Harassment •Surveillance •Expert Witness •Asset Recovery/Repossession •Legal Services •Litigation Support •Corporate Investigations & Services •Insurance Investigations •Family Services •Security Consulting •Pre-Employment Screening •Background Research •Witness Locates & Interviews •Skip Tracing/Missing Persons From your home computer to a multi-continent investigation, we have the experience, resources, and ability to handle any size project. In the event you require a service that you find is not listed on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us for a confidential consultation. Each of our cases is handled with the strictest of confidentiality, from consultation to conclusion and beyond. Cases involving high profile personalities ...

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

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Judgment recovery can prove to be a daunting challenge. Research indicates that up to 85% of civil judgments are never satisfied. Assigning your judgment to Intel Services Group allows the creditor to benefit from a successful collection without the hassle of working the judgment themselves. At Intel Services Group, we work every case on an individual basis. Prior to accepting your case well conduct a case assessment to determine if a recovery is likely. Contact us today at 1-800-867-5148

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reilly International Group - Private Investigation Firm

The Reilly International Group, founded by Tom Reilly and headquartered in New York City, is a licensed full-service private investigation firm offering intelligence, investigative, and risk assessment services. Our experienced staff can support a full range of services such as forensic auditing, electronic surveillance, asset location and recovery, and many other discrete investigation services. We can customize an investigative plan that meets your specific requirements. If you suspect financial misconduct, we can perform a forensic investigation to detect potential fraudulent activity, identify culpability, evaluate losses, and attempt to recover assets. If you have a corporate crisis, we will help mitigate your losses and collect evidence, analyze vulnerabilities, and recommend preventative measures. We will work with you to protect your operations so that you can return to business as usual to maintain the confidence of employees, investors, insurers, and suppliers. Visit us at for more information.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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Process Server Orange County Registered Process Server Background Investigations Surveillance Insurance Claim Investigations Records Retrieval Asset Search Criminal Records Pre Employment Background Checks Skip Trace Subpoena Service Process Serving Small Claims Service Criminal Investigations (877) 433-6277 Orange County Riverside County Los Angeles County Imperial County San Bernardino County San Diego County Anaheim John A. DeMarr, PI - Investigation Services The Premier California Private Detective and California Private Investigations Firm Since 1988, John A. DeMarr PI has been providing private detective services and private investigation services to businesses in California and beyond, including law firms, insurance companies, major corporations and small business. Our California-based private investigations and private detective firm also counts many private citizens among our clients. We investigate both online and offline activities. If you have a hunch, we will find the truth, as we have done for so many clients.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Be A Private Investigator

So you want to be a private investigator and are wondering where is the best place to start. That's easy, by doing some research.

Times are changing and the private investigation business has certainly changed with them. The internet has been responsible for this change but it has also opened up a whole new world of opportunities for those chasing their dream to be a private investigator.

Private Investigation Online

Online searches have become huge, in fact, there is not much in the way of information available offline that can't now be located online.

Yes, those old chestnuts such as marital indiscretions, workers compensation claims, missing persons and insurance fraud are still a big part of a private investigator's lot but with the internet has come computer fraud and believe it or not, the topics mentioned above are just as prevalent online as they are offline.

Computer science backgrounds are now a big asset for those leaning towards a private investigation career and are in big demand.

Get Experience

One word of warning though, the P.I. industry is enjoying an unheralded growth spurt at the present time and will continue to do so for at least the next 5-10 years.

Now is the time to take action regarding a career in the private investigation business as competition for entry-level jobs is becoming fierce.

This then brings us to another important point. While no formal level of education is required to get started in your quest to be a private investigator, it makes good sense to at least consider getting some form of experience in the investigatve area or even completing a course in areas of police or computer science.

P.I. Work Experience

Even better, once you have cleared the licensing requirements of the profession within your state, offer your services to a local P.I. firm small or large in the form of unpaid work experience if this acceptable within the work laws of your state.

The idea is to learn the ins and outs of the day-to-day activities of private investigation and with this experience "under your belt," your prospects of impressing an employer "down the track" will be significantly enhanced.

Fast track your chances of becoming a private investigator. Get the latest tips and tricks of joining the ranks of the world of private investigation and increase your chances of landing a job!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Offshore Drilling Rig Jobs - 9 Steps to Getting Your Offshore Drilling Rig Job

Offshore drilling rig jobs are hot right now. In the last decade, oil companies cut back too much on their staff and equipment, and now that oil prices have exceeded $100 per barrel, they are scrambling to put up new oil rigs and staff them. Based on the analysis of top economists and investment fund managers, this sector is likely to see a lot of activity for the next 15 to 20 years. This is good news for job seekers in the oil sector.

The question now is "How do you get an offshore drilling rig job?". The process can basically be broken down into 9 steps.

1. Find an oil company. The two most obvious ways are through online job boards like and newspaper job advertisements posted by oil company human resource departments. The problem with online job boards is that they usually target mainstream junior and mid-level executive jobs in mainstream industries. When you are trying to break into the oil industry, online job boards are not your best bet. As for newspaper job advertisements, only the big companies like Shell would post to national newspapers. Smaller oil companies (which subcontract their services to the major players) normally restrict their advertisements to local or regional newspapers.

The best way is to find recruitment agencies which specialize in the oil industry. If you do not like going through middle-men, one way is to look through the Wilshire Stock Index. This lists the 5000 biggest companies in the US. You should be able to find a number of large and reputable oil companies in this list. Another way is to look for oil companies and drilling companies on the internet using the three major search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN. One advantage of this method is that you can find international companies as well as US-based companies. The disadvantage is that many smaller oil companies do not have web-sites or email.

2. Find the contact address. After you have a decent-sized list of companies, you will need to find their contact address. If possible, you should get both the email address and postal address of the HR department as well as the phone number. Try to also get the HR manager's name and office address. When you submit your job application, you will want to send it to the HR manager rather than the HR department. It is also better to send your job application both by email and by post. Frankly, neither delivery method on its own is reliable. If you dare, give them a week or so to receive and process your application, then call up to confirm that they have received it.

3. Find out what the company wants. Remember: no one is going to hire you because you want a job. You will only be hired if you can show the oil company what is in it for them. The easiest way is to look at their past and current job postings. If you know the company is in the industry but did not post anything (possibly because they go through a recruitment agency), you can borrow the job postings of other companies to find out what is normally wanted.

4. Write your cover letter and resume and submit them. In your cover letter, make it clear what job you are applying for. Make sure you briefly relate your most relevant experience to what the oil company wants. In your resume/CV, you do not need to list every job and academic achievement in your life. Just list the most relevant to the job you are applying. Give some details which highlight why you are a good fit for what they want. Do remember to include your contact details.

5. Repeat steps #1 to #4 until you receive an interview. Do not expect your first 10 applications to succeed. Depending on the post you are applying for, maybe even your first 100 applications will fail. Be persistent.

6. Preparing for the interview. Congratulations. You have passed the first major hurdle. Now you need to prepare for your interview. Your mouth is your most important asset here. Open your mouth and ask. Find out the dress code. Do they expect you to show up in long sleeve shirt and tie? Or will smart casual do? Do you need to bring along anything? Do they expect you to prepare anything ahead of time? If you were informed of the interview by email or by post, you will need to phone up the HR department to find out this information. Even if you could not get the phone number of the HR department, you should be able to get the main line. Phone up and get your call routed to the HR department. You want to make a good first impression, and you will not be able to do that if you are not prepared. Do not be too stressed out, though. Unless the oil company is truly desperate, do not expect your first interview to land you a job. Relax and treat your first few interviews as practice.

7. During the interview. Do not just answer the questions of your interviewers. And do not just give one word answers. Even if the question seems like it only needs a straightforward "Yes" or "No" answer, try to explain or give relevant examples. If your do not understand a question, clarify it with your interviewers. Also make sure your interviewers understand your answers. Do not let a simple misunderstanding or mis-communication cost you a job. Please note that a job interview is not just for the employer to ask you questions. You should ask your own questions. Find out who you will be working for. Hopefully, he is one of your interviewers. What is his working style? What does he really want from you? What he actually wants and what HR actually posted on the job boards or newspapers are not necessarily the same thing. Open your mouth and ask relevant questions. How does their company actually work? What are working conditions like. What is the work environment and who are your colleagues. What kind of people will you be working with? Use these as a starting point to think of your own questions. Even though you should have answers to some of these questions from your own investigations (read Part #1), you should confirm the information you already have.

8. After the interview. Case closed, right? No. This is a common mistake made by many job seekers. After your interview, take a step back and evaluate your performance. Learn from your mistakes so that you do better in your next interview. And think about whether you want to work for that oil company if they offer you a job. Remember that an interview is a 2-way street. The interviewer evaluates if they want you, and you must also evaluate if you want to work for them.

9. Repeat steps #1 to #8 until you have a good job offer. Rinse and repeat. Be persistent, do not let setbacks stop you, and eventually you will get hired.

Follow these 9 steps and you will be hired for an offshore drilling rig job. Do not be impatient. Like anything worth doing, it is worth taking time to do it properly. has been helping people get offshore drilling rig jobs since 1998.

Click here to learn how we can help you shortcut your way to an offshore drilling rig job.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Careers In Finance

Nature Of Work of Finance Professionals

A career in finance involves a whole range of functions, such as determining the impact of decisions that are made in nearly all functional areas on the financial front. This includes administering portfolios and formulating personal financial plans for investors, supervising banking operations, evaluating and suggesting company's capital budgets and strengthening bank relationships.

Professionals engaged in the finance industry deal with how individuals and institutions handle their financial resources, the methods they use to raise money, its allocation, and how they use it. They also assess the risks these activities involve, and recommend various ways of managing them.

Occupations in Finance

The finance sector has a wide range of occupations to choose from. You can become a portfolio or credit manager, security analyst, opt for the insurance sector, or become a corporate financial officer, financial consultant or lending officer. Below are some of the additional roles that you can pursue:

- Bank Manager

- Financial Analyst

- Accountant And Auditor

- Appraiser and Assessor of Real Estate

- Budget Analyst

- Claim Adjuster

- Examiner

- Investigator

- Cost Estimator

- Tax Examiner

- Revenue Agent

Job Opportunities in Finance

The job opportunities in the financial sector are equally vast and varied, a few of which are given here. All of them offer a highly rewarding and satisfying career.

Commercial Banking - The commercial banking sector employs a greater number of finance professionals than any other area of the financial services industry. Jobs in the banking industry have a direct client interface with people from all sections of the society, which offers opportunities for clientele development. The starting point would be as tellers, after which people shift to other areas of banking services like credit card banking, trade credit, leasing and international finance.

Corporate Finance - This would involve employment in a corporation, generally as a finance officer. The main job responsibilities would entail securing financial resources for developing the business of the company. The money can be utilized to make acquisitions to expand the company and secure its future.

Financial Planning Consultancy - You may set up a financial planning consultancy of your own or seek employment in an existing one. This work involves helping individuals in planning their finances for their children's education, or their retirement needs. It requires answering questions and educating clients about risk factors, to help them to invest their money wisely. Being employed in a corporate setting is also an option, with a job profile related to future financial planning. It would require a firm understanding of investments, estate and tax planning.

Investment Banking - Investment banking pertains to helping investors in buying, trading and managing financial assets. This field offers opportunities to work in world-renowned investment banks like Salomon Smith Barney, Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch.

Insurance - The insurance industry has achieved revenues of over trillion dollars. It is one field that has tremendous scope of absorbing finance professionals. The work is mainly about managing risks and identifying problem areas. According to estimates, it employed nearly two and a half million people in the U.S. in the year 2005. One could work as an underwriter, customer service representative, actuary or an asset manager, in this sector.

A career in finance can be pursued in a wide variety of fields. The financial sector offers opportunities that are intellectually and financially rewarding.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Top Rated Private Investigator Forums

Since the trustworthy growth of the internet proceeding the dot com era, private investigators are now highly involving themselves on the internet. They're doing everything from networking within their own community, to providing expert advice (free download private investigator courses) and picking up new clients.

Private investigator forums have started to be a great resource on the internet due to the private investigator industries "private" tendencies. It is not necessarily easy to find information on things that are supposed to be private. However, private investigator forums bring a whole new light to the industry, without damaging the industry at the same time.

Whether you're trying to find a free private investigator downloading course, you're trying to find a private investigator in West Palm Beach Florida or you're trying to find the best way to become a private investigator, private investigator forums will find a solution for you.

The question is, which private investigator forum do you use?

Well, here is a list of 4 of the top rated private investigator forums, listing them from least to best.

1. Expert Law

A great forum, however, it is mainly focused on law and that's it. It's rated as a top forum because it has so many members and it has one private investigator section.

2. Rominger Legal

This forum has good resources. The downfall is the forum is limited to not very highly discussed categories.


IPIU is an excellent forum. With over 39,000 members, it's is highly active. It is strictly made for private investigators, which does leave out consumers and clients.

3. Search and Expose

Search and Expose is rated the best private investigator forum. They have resources for everyone including private investigators and people wanting to become a private investigator, all the way to people trying to do a people search and businesses that do background checks.

There is highly valuable information on these forums that 10 years ago you would have had to pay hundreds of dollars for. Due to the growth of the internet, you can attain most of the information for free.

Liam Deantoni is an online business and service expert.

To view the top rated private investigator forums, go to

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