Monday, December 6, 2010

Unpaid Child Support and Loans Can Often Be Collected on When Using an Asset Search

As if it were not already a big enough problem, the problems that most every state is suffering because of problems in the economy has caused a tremendous increase in the number of cases requiring an asset search to collect on unpaid child support, unpaid loans and bad debts. There has also been an increase in the number of cases involving divorce litigation and the need to search for hidden funds or bank accounts. However, these are situations that can often be collected on when you consult with an expert private investigator to perform an asset search investigation.

It is a known fact that there are a countless number of individuals in our society that are continuously trying to get away with hiding various types of assets that they own, simply to keep from having to pay on the balance of unpaid money that they owe.

Aside from various other types of debts, unpaid child support and unpaid loans can often be collected on when individuals choose the option of having an asset search investigation performed. Some people are often surprised when they realize the wide variety of assets that can often be uncovered using this type of investigation. All that you are required to do is to supply an expert private investigator with the social security number, the name, address, and telephone number of the individual suspected to assets that they are hiding. Following the completion of the investigation, you will be supplied with detailed information regarding the following types of hidden assets.

Business that are in the name of the individual in question
Real Estate Properties
Automobiles, Motor Homes, Trucks, etc.
Trust Accounts
Airplanes and boats in the individual's name
Bank Accounts that include Savings and Checking Accounts
Investments that include Bonds, Mutual Funds and Stocks

If an individual continues to refuse paying you the money that they owe for a loan, child support for your children, or if you need evidence to supply in a court proceeding involving divorce litigation, contacting an experienced private investigator is the first step you will want to take. Unpaid child support, debts and unpaid loans can, in many cases, be collected when you use the information obtained from an asset search investigation.

Numerous individuals that have money owed to them often use this legal GLB compliant type of beneficial investigation to help them locate any hidden assets that an individual is trying to keep hidden.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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go to to check out the real video with many stars(BABY SAVAGE A DECADE OF DOPE DECEPTION AND DESTRUCTION) It tells the true story of me (BABY SAVAGE) Originally from Baton Rouge Louisiana I moved to Mansfield La. at the age of 14 and began selling drugs in a area known as the hood. Where i was intiated in a local gang following that close friend taught me about crack cocaine and i jumped off the porch and made over 2000 dollars in less than a week. Years later down the line i became one of the biggest drug dealers around making over 150000 dollars a year until long time friend now turned confidential informant started working for the task force and helped them bring me down in a 18 month investigation and prosecution that ultimately lead to my downfall and incarceration in prison. While in prison i was shipped to several different facilities, because of my aggressive nature, and accusations that i was running drugs from inside of prison. After being in solitude for 7 months for bad behavior i was shipped to a maximum security prison. It was here where i educated myself further in business,speech,accounting,finances,and the bible, and renewed my mind in order to do the same to my life upon re-entering society to become a asset to myself and the world. Applying the same Barbaric Savagery hustle as i did in the streets to the film and music industry has lead me to approaching sells of 26000 dvds of Baby Savage A Decade of Dope Deception and ...

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